Demonstrative Advocacy:

Understanding and Constraining Partiality in Adjudication.

R. & D. on D.A.

Fancy Barristers works with Graphicus Persona (who provided their visual definition precedents on D.A. and completed the design and layout of the book for LexisNexis) on all its visual definitions including R & D. The following are samples from recent R & D work on legal proceedings in which Fancy Barristers was counsel of record:

Showing Breach of Duty (2009):

Demonstrative Advocacy was used to visually define liability in the context of the Police Officer's findings. The case settled for a significant sum at Mediation.

Forensic Path Illustrated (2008):

Demonstrative Advocacy was used to visually define the key medical text by forensically tracing the path of the bullets and the resulting injuries which produced a decision from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board rating the Applicant's Non-Economic Loss at 73% (3% less than the Applicant's own expert's rating).

Expert's Physical Examination (2008):

Demonstrative Advocacy was used to show the meaning of the "Hall-pike Manoevre" used by the medical expert to confirm nystagamus in the context of labyrinthine dysfunction. Sometimes diagnostics are unavailable or scientifically inadequate. The case settled for a significant sum within days of the service of the Book of Demonstrative Evidence.